HØINE Co-Founders Jorunn Tyssø and Oskar Bringager
Photo: HØINE
HØINE is an Oslo-based company, offering façade, interior and landscape products based on brick waste. Since 2019, the company has delivered reclaimed bricks to big commercial projects, such as Eikeli Videregående Skole, and is working closely with several recognized property developers to help identify and transform local brick waste into building ready products.
The company is constantly exploring new and more efficient ways to utilize the secondary material. Last year, HØINE realized the world´s first upcycled clay shingle façade for Gamlebyen Loft. Bricks are much like LEGO, designed for reuse. However, it is today one of the biggest waste fractions from the building industry. Reclaimed bricks reduce CO2 emissions by 99 % compared to new. There is no time to waste.