Linda Flø

Photo: Lillian Ayla Ersoy

Photo: Lillian Ayla Ersoy

Previously trained as a pharmacist, Linda Flø went back to school in L.A. / Oslo to become an artisan in sculpture and ceramics. She discovered her love for ceramics while living in Los Angeles and left everything in her previous life – her career as a pharmacist, apartment, network – and moved from Norway to seek new experiences and beginnings.

Linda Flø (b. 1985) is a ceramic artist that lives and works in Oslo, Norway. Through clay and other geologic materials, she works both experimentally and traditionally through themes like material transformation, growth and time. Linda holds an Associate Degree in Fine Art from Santa Monica College, a bachelor degree in medium- and materialbased art from The Oslo National Academy of the Arts, and is currently studying for a master degree at the latter.

Linda’s work focuses on closeness to the materials and thier transformative qualities. She works both experimentally and traditionally, always exploring the balance between chance and control in her approach.

An example is working with ceramic glazes made from wood ashes. The soil where a tree grows affects the coloration of a glaze, due to trace elements and minerals. There’s always uncertainties and unknowns in working with wood ashes, which for Linda creates some of the excitement and drive to keep exploring and making. Linda’s background and training in science and academic thinking help her create a framework to work freely within. She is constantly negotiating the degree of control to put into my practice, and how much to leave to chance.

“I have a close relationship to nature and grew up with the forest in my backyard, in a small town on the coast of Norway. I think this is why clay and ceramics resonate so well with me, as I have always felt connected to the ground I walk on. I literally work with materials that come from the crust of the planet, transforming them through touch and heat.”


Shop objects by Linda Flø


Gilles & Cecilie Studio


Ida Harr