Fora Form


Fora Form is one of Scandinavia's largest furniture manufacturers for social areas where people meet. Fora Form has a vision of creating great interaction in their four focus areas wherever people meet: Eat together, work together, breathe together and experience together.

Since the 1950s, they've used design as a strategic tool to create good meeting places in public environments. In 2019 they celebrated their 90th anniversary. Through innovation and good design, forums will create good interactions where people will meet in the future.

Fora Form believes that Nordic values ​​lie in the shapes of our furniture. Furniture designed with a focus on democracy, equality and trust will add value to your meeting places, and the result will be increased well-being, improved culture and increased innovation power.

Knekk table by Fora Form


Knekk is designed by Jon Fauske.

The Knekk table is specifically designed to ensure engaged and attentive participants. The table offers a clean surface without any disruptions and enables working from all four sides of the table. It has a built in shelf for storage of computers or other tools necessary for the various stages of the creative process. Knekk table is prepared for integrating 4 electrical sockets. You also get the option to attach a retractable paper-roll as an accessory.

Knekk stool by Fora Form

The Knekk bar stool is designed to fit the different stages of a creative workshop. The horizontal part of the seat provides for reflection and relaxation. The askew part of the seat gives direction for active interaction and support new and innovative processes. Knekk was designed by student Jon Fauske and communicates Fora Form's values ​​in a young and surprising way.


Ingrid Fløgstad og Maria Berg-Leirvåg


Studio Sløyd