Timeless Craftsmanship
Norges Husflidslag x Novooi
Bergen, Norway

Together with The Norwegian Folk Art and Craft Association, Novooi has curated a sales collection inspired by the campaign ‘Timeless Craftmanship’. You can now shop products from several of the designers that are chosen for the ‘The Crafts Biennale 2022’ taking place at The Oleana Factory at Ytre Arna in Bergen, Norway 09.06.22 – 31.08.22.
Sometimes we experience objects, landscapes, moments, meetings or ideas without a sense of time and place. In this edition of the exhibition ‘Sustainable Crafts’ 21-22, it is precisely timeless that is this year’s theme. This exhibition is initiated by The Norwegian Folk Art and Craft Association.
The Crafts Biennale 2022 is a result of The Norwegian Folk Art and Craft Association's campaign “Sustainable craftmanship - Timeless 2021-2022”. They want to stimulate more Norwegian craft in the market, along side greater knowledge and demand for sustainable handcrafts.
The campaign was carried out on Instagram in the period from November 2021 to March 2022, under the profile @holdbart_handverk. A professional jury consisting of Erik Lerdahl, Jon Hulberg, Lillian Ayla Ersoy and Margrethe Ballon selected a craftsperson to receive NOK 40,000 for further product development.
Learn more about the selection of craftspeople featured:
Ronja Revilla, The Oceanweaver, Ståle Johan Aklestad, Studio ESH, Johanne Birkeland, Philip von Hase and Rita Egren.
Shop the collection