Martine Poppe
Photo Pernille Sandberg
Martine Poppe (b. 1988, Norway) lives and works in Oslo and London and has joined Novooi as a featured artist for our exhibition Above and Below, a part of Oslo Open. Poppe’s source materials, which are often photographs or textiles, instigate her process of negotiating the boundaries between abstraction and representation. Her paintings carry the effects of diffracted light and overexposed photography, as well as the pixilation of blown-up digital images.
Sometimes Poppe affixes the source material behind translucent fabrics on stretchers, creating a screen that she can see through and work on with paint. At other times, she tears and scrunches it up, or reshapes it as standing barriers in the exhibition space.
Above and Below exhibition installation: price on request. Contact us
Listen to the sound portrait with Martine as part of the exhibition “Above and Below”:
Photo Martine Poppe
Poppe’s works are developed from the fluidity between the different materials she employs, opening the work up for the viewer to situate themselves within the boundaries and expectations that her practice negotiates. Martine Poppe graduated from the Slade School of Fine Art with a BA Hons and a MFA in 2011 and 2013 respectively.
Upcoming shows
Above and below, Novooi & Oslo Open (Oslo, 2022)
Girl meets girl at Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium (Norway, 2022)
Art Paris Art Fair with Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery (2022)
Recent exhibitions
Pause at County (Palm Beach, 2021), A piece of me at Kristin Hjellegjerde (London, 2021); Dallas Art Fair with County (Texas, 2021); Facing the Sun, Kristin Hjellegjerde (Brandenburg, 2021); To be announced (Buer Gallery, 2021); Zima Blue at Kristin Hjellegjerde (Berlin, 2020); 2084, Cable Factory/Valssaamo, Helsinki (2020); Waiting for Y at Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London (2019); Artmonte Carlo with VI, VII, Monaco (2019); Portraits of trees at Trafo Kunsthall, Norway (2018-2019); ALAC, Los Angeles (2019) and LISTE, Basel, Switzerland (2018) with VI, VII; Slippage: Performative utterances in painting, Post_Institute, London, United Kingdom (2018); Studio Spring at CCA Andratx, Spain (2018) and Aphrodite lowers her mirror at Kristin Hjellegjerde Berlin (2018).
Other exhibitions and art fairs
Between the lines, The Women’s Museum and Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Norway (2018); UNTITLED, San Francisco (2017); Brussels Art Fair (2018 and 2017) with Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery; S|2 x SF at Sotheby’s (San Francisco, 2015); Sunset© at Hooper Projects, Los Angeles (2015); and New Order II: British Art Today at the Saatchi Gallery, London (2014).
Poppe has taken part in several artist residencies internationally, amongst others the Vice x Velux residency (2022), Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris (France, 2019), Rigenerarte in collaboration with Fondazione Benetton (Treviso, Italy), Banff AIR (Alberta, Canada, 2018), CCA Andratx (Majorca, Spain 2017) and Hooper Projects (Los Angeles, US, 2015).
Poppe’s artworks are a part of several public collections, such as the UK Government Art Collection (UK), KODE Museums (Norway), Kistefos Museum (Norway), NRK (Norway), CCA Andratx (Spain) and the Benetton Collection (Italy) and the Saatchi Collection (UK).
Please contact Martine Poppe directly if you are interested in purchasing her art.