Nina Havermans

Photo: Nina Havermans

Nina is a (bio) material designer and researcher. Her latest biomaterial project is design research into material ecology, and a case study for a new composite biomaterial that is fully biobased and biodegradable. The biomaterial utilizes woolen waste from fabric production, and a renewable binder made of biomass from the wood industry, to form acoustically absorbent interior objects. 

Nina’s methodology is meticulous testing, failing, analyzing and testing again, overlapping the scientific laboratory protocols with the designer's creative practices. The objective is to enter into debate, where her simultaneously holistic and practical approach, offers both ethical and creative material solutions.  

She cultivates optimism for a sustainable future. Her optimism is grounded in cross-disciplinary collaborative practices, material research and a holistic understanding of the architectural, design, and environmental context. 

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OA_M Studio


Edvin Klasson